
10 Reasons My Body Image Is Better After Having Kids

I’m getting older. I find a grey hair on occasion, and the lines in my face are much more pronounced than they were just a few years ago. My butt…

Great tips for traveling to Disney with kids!

Disney Tips from an Expert

Spring break is just around the corner, and for some of you lucky suckers, that means visiting The Mouse. Here on the East Coast, everyone goes to Disney World for…

Parenting Tips: Funny Mom Edition

I have two sisters-in-law and a couple of friends who are pregnant right now. This isn’t the first rodeo for any of them, but maybe some of you reading this…

Till Death Do Us Part

When I was in my early twenties, I was obsessed with TLC’s The Wedding Story. I couldn’t get enough of the “how we met” stories set to a photo montage, and…

Big And Little

I don’t know if I’ll ever be fully comfortable with the way my kids look little and big at the same time. How can my baby be getting her own…

10 Things I’ve Learned In 10 Years of Marriage

1. Rolling your eyes makes a statement, but never a good one. And don’t bother denying the eye roll. It’s been seen, documented, and the fight will now last 30…

The Year Of The Cookie

When my husband and I had been dating for about six months, he began the process of applying to graduate schools. We were exclusive, and had mentioned marriage, but only six months in…

20 Things I Learned In College

College is a time of self-discovery, and of eating more pizza than one human should consume in a lifetime. I learned tons of things from my professors, and a few…

Preparing For Baby: What NOT To Do

I love those hilarious lists that compare first pregnancies with subsequent pregnancies. Everyone is so excited for that first baby; the nursery is ready by week 25, names are secured…

Anatomy Of A Play Date

I love a good play date. I can catch up with my friends while the kids entertain each other, I get to snack on sugary treats, and everyone naps well…

I love mornings for coffee, quiet, and the warm snuggles of my children.

Things That Go Bump In The Morning

Bump. Bump. Bump. I open one eye, just enough to look at the window. Through the cracks between the blind and the window trim, I can see it’s still dark.…

10 Things I’ve Learned From My Mother

My mom and I are close. We look alike and we act alike. We organize our kitchens the same way, we both love a junk drawer, and at church, we…

Read this funny post about spending holidays with extended family! | |

Holiday Tips From a Slacker Mom

I have spent more than a decade traveling for Christmas. I wouldn’t call myself an expert in navigating the delicate waters of family and holiday expectations, but I do have…