Last week I didn’t do much writing. I had a birthday, and America did, too. It was my son’s first full week of summer vacation, and we treated it accordingly, having nothing to show for our week but fun and lounging.
What I Wrote
If you still haven’t gotten me a birthday gift, it’s not too late. There are a several things left on my list, and you can see that and the recap of my year by clicking HERE.
Sarah from The Sadder But Wiser Girl always nourishes my soul with her friendship and her kind words, and this week she took it a step further by providing the Crock Pot Thursday recipe and nourishing my family’s bellies. I had never tried a whole chicken in the slow cooker, and it was far too easy to be as delicious as it was. Read about how much we loved it HERE.
Sarah also called me one of her blog crushes this week, which was awesome because you have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve been someone’s crush. Way too long is what I’m saying.
What I Loved
Shari Simpson from Earth Mother Just Means I’m Dusty shared a hilarious beauty tip for the budget conscious woman on NickMom. Watch it HERE.
Mackenzie from Raising Wild Things admits her kids have different moms. Mine do, too. Read it HERE.
I love the way Nicole Leigh Shaw writes. She makes everyday things magical, and her most recent piece on Mamalode is no exception. Check out how her kids are little hoarders HERE.
I made The Huffington Post Best Parenting Tweets this week. I can’t get over being on this list with such funny people. Twitter and HuffPost Parents, I love you long time.
The BlogHer Voices of the Year list was announced, and I was thrilled to see some of my favorite writers honored. If you are going to BlogHer in a few weeks, make sure you check out the I Just Want to Pee Alone book signing. Tickets must be purchased in advance, and for $15 each attendee will receive a book and a drink. Click HERE for details!
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