Things I Wrote
Skype has changed the way my family keeps in touch with our friends and relatives across the country and across the world. I am truly thankful for the technology that makes our distance seem less daunting. Read it HERE.
When I was a kid, I was pressured to do something disgusting. Read about that HERE.
My daughter drew me as a pig, which made me think about other animals I resemble. I sucked in my gut, and wrote THIS.
Just asked my husband if it was “Take-Your-Two-Sons-And-Their-Friend-That’s-Over-Right-Now To Work Day” but he said no.
— Kelley (@KelleysBreakRm) June 27, 2013
We might all scream for ice cream, but I scream the loudest because I fricking love ice cream. I’m also super competitive. #icecream #summer
— Lisa Newlin (@Lisa_Newlin) June 27, 2013
Reassured the 5YO at 2am that there are no werewolves, then went back to bed where I can’t let my feet hang over because of the evil clowns.
— Suburban Snapshots (@SuburbanSnaps) June 27, 2013
Things I Said on Facebook That Facebook Probably Didn’t Show You