Things I Wrote
When I was in the fifth grade, I got my first bra. The reason I wanted the bra (I certainly didn’t need one), and what I did with that bra are both a testament to the way I fumble through life.
In the same way I surprised my mother in the bra story, my kids are constantly surprising me. I hear parents say “I know my kid would never do that,” and I know I could never say that.
Crock Pot Thursday was a home run with these Slow Cooker Spare Ribs. Go ahead and be skeptical. I was, too!
I guest posted at RealMomofNJ, sharing why my body image is better after having kids. Read it HERE. I love her page. She has interesting content, and I always learn something from her site.
Things I Loved
Steph from When Crazy Meets Exhaustion responds to a ridiculous assertion that says taking a lighthearted approach to parenting and having a sense of humor will ruin one’s children. Read the original post HERE, and Steph’s response HERE.
Rachael from RachRiot finally got off her ass and wrote something, and her brand of hilarity was worth the wait. Read it HERE.
I had two book signings, and will share more about those soon, but here’s a picture from the fun in New Jersey.
With Anna from Random Handprints and Kim from The Fordeville Diaries. |
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