Just Add Water: My Week Condensed 4/7/13

Stuff I Wrote
On Tuesday I finally got my Mom of the Year trophy. I’ve been waiting almost six years for that thing! Meredith from The Mom of the Year has a cool series where she gives us moms the opportunity to share why we are deserving of a trophy for the great job we are doing. Head on over and read A Day at the Mall When I Was Mom of the Year. Thank you, Meredith, for allowing me to share!

For Crock Pot Thursday we prepared a classic Beef Stew. I made a few mistakes because I was chatting while I was preparing it, and I can’t read and complain about my kids at the same time. Luckily, slow cooker beef stew is very forgiving, and ours was good despite my inattention to detail.

On Friday, I confessed that I Don’t ALWAYS Complain, but when I do, it’s over something ridiculous. I also dreamed about winning the lottery, and buying some new bedding. I have lofty aspirations, no?

Stuff I Loved
Shelly from La Tejana writes rich, amazing stories that always touch my heart and stick with me for days. The Plant Whisperer is a beautiful tale of a young teacher and her determined student. Grab a tissue before reading!

Bethany from Bad Parenting Moments penned this hilarious and informative Haiku for Future Parents. The best parents are pre-parents, dontcha know?

Lisa and Ashley from The Dose of Reality wrote an amazing piece on the difficult task of figuring out just how much to give our kids. Is our generosity actually depriving them of the enjoyment of future experiences? What Will Be Left When You Are Older?

My kids got to see their first episode of The Cosby Show this weekend, and they loved it. I had forgotten about the magic of the Huxtable clan.

I Just Want to Pee Alone is taking over the internet, with a new blog, and can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. It isn’t just a place to find information about the book, but is also a community for parents to come together and laugh, and for funny bloggers to share their stories.

Stuff That Happened on Facebook
My new friend Jeannette from Mommy Needs a Martini was the winner of my book giveaway, and she taught me two things. One, if you give people free things, they’ll be your friend (but not invite you to the fun girls’ weekend, what the hell, Jenn?!), and two, if they tag you on Facebook several times when they receive the free thing in the mail, you may never see it. Because Facebook sucks.

I know that Facebook decides what we see based on what we may be interested in, and I would suggest that anything I am tagged in would immediately go in that category. While I’m offering constructive feedback, I suggest that on my personal page, any photos that are posted of my nieces and nephews (that I “like” 100% of the time) will show up in my news feed. Seriously, Facebook, get your act together. You are on my very last nerve.

Here are a few of my Facebook posts from last week, in case you missed them.

If you don’t already like my page on Facebook, click HERE to gimme a thumbs up, and one of these gems may sneak into your news feed once in a while.

Have a great week!

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