I was pretty excited on Thursday, because for the first time in several years, I had a date for Valentine’s Day. I mean, it was a play date, and I wasn’t counting on getting lucky or getting any gifts, but I was excited anyway. We were meeting some friends to go bowling, and for once I was on time. But not really, because the kids and I went to the wrong bowling alley. Get this – the town we were in has two bowling alleys, on the same road. What the hell, right? It’s okay, though. If I wasn’t confused about the location, we would have missed seeing the most ghetto arcade ever.
Who says Valentine’s Day can’t be exciting once you have kids?
I made a kick ass Polka Dot Cake, and knocked out a Pinterest worthy tutorial showing you how to make your own. If you aren’t in the mood for a three-tiered, surprise inside cake, you can just use cake pop pans to make these adorable booby cakes.
I wrote a letter to my husband, sharing 10 reasons he’s still my Valentine. My kids aren’t the only family members I like to brag about, and The Doctor is a sweet piece, if you know what I mean.
We made Pineapple Glazed Ham for Crock Pot Thursday, and it was easy and tasty. If you like glazed ham, this is a good one.
I can be an awesome friend, but I also kind of suck. I made a handy dandy chart to help you decide if I’m worth it.
I finally got to share some super exciting, seriously big time news. I’m smiling just thinking about it.
Much like Jesus on a tortilla, I made Eggs-in-a Hole on Valentine’s Day, and check out this yolk! It’s a Valentine’s Day miracle, right?